How dental implants can be a solution to all your problems

Does eating now seem like a painful task? Do you feel embarrassed to speak to friends or family? Are missing teeth stopping you from living your life to the fullest? If so, then dental implants Herefordshire may be the simple answer to all your concerns!

So, what are dental implants?

Tooth loss can be very distressing for you, and you may be seeking a permanent solution as soon as possible. Fortunately, dental implants are not only quick, but they’re also a permanent alternative to removable dentures and can replace just a single tooth or all of them if needed. The process of having dental implants fitted in involves drilling titanium screws into the jawbone in order to support a crown, bridge or denture. Once the titanium screw is fitted in, the bone surrounding the implant will slowly begin to fuse to it, holding it firmly and permanently in place. 

What does the process of getting dental implants involve?

The process of getting dental implants is fairly straightforward and painless as it is carried out under either a local or general anaesthetic. The steps are listed below:

  • Your dentist will first carry out a thorough clinical assessment to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for dental implants or not; they will do this by carrying out a number of x-rays of your mouth and creating a model of your existing teeth. In severe cases, your dentist may carry out a further scan to get an idea of how much bone you have and if you require a bone graft before the implant process begins. For more information on bone grafts, contact your dentist or feel free to ask during your consultation.

  • Once this is complete, and your dentist confirms that you could benefit from getting dental implants, they will proceed with the dental implant procedure; this is carried out under local anaesthetic, making it pain free but still slightly uncomfortable. It is important to note that if you feel anxious regarding the treatment, there are several sedative options available to put your mind at ease and make the treatment less frightening for you.

  • Once your mouth becomes numb, the dentist will make an incision in the gum and drill a small hole into the jawbone to insert the implant into. Your gum is then sealed with stitches if needed, however some people don’t require stitches as the wound heals quickly by itself.

  • After the implant procedure has been completed, you may experience some bleeding in the wound site, inflammation and pain; these are all completely normal side effects of the treatment and should subside within 48 hours post-treatment. Your dentist will prescribe you a course of antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of any infections and you can buy over-the-counter painkillers and NSAIDs to treat any pain or inflammation.

  • You may be offered new dentures or crowns on the same day which will act as temporary teeth while your bone fuses to the implant, however in most cases your bone and gums will require some time to heal before anything can be attached to the implant. If you really don’t want to wait to fill the missing gaps in your teeth, you can opt to have temporary teeth inserted until your mouth is ready for the implant to be fitted.
  • It is important to note that once the implant is fitted in, it may take from four to eight months for the implant to bond completely with your jawbone. During this time, your dentist will provide you with advice and aftercare to look after your implants properly. You will also be offered follow-up appointments to ensure your implant has bonded correctly and that the treatment is working. 

What are the benefits of having dental implants?

The benefits of having dental implants fitted are endless; the most important being they are able to provide you with a better quality of life. They make simple tasks such as eating and chewing less painful, meaning you can go back to eating your favourite foods and snacks. They also provide you with a natural looking and functioning set of teeth as the implants are securely fitted into the bone of your jaw and are made to look like your actual teeth.

When you lose a tooth, the bone beneath the gum begins to shrink as there is no stimulation by the tooth root; this can make your face change in shape causing you to look older than you actually are. However, implants prevent bone loss by stimulating the jawbone like a natural set of teeth would. 

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