Combat the consequences of tooth loss with dental implants Melbourne

It is important that you look after your teeth from an early age so that they can last for the rest of your life. You need to maintain excellent dental hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing between them at least once, using a suitable mouthwash and visiting your dentist at least once every six months to make sure you are looking after your teeth properly at home and that there are no signs of decay or disease.

It is also important that you visit a hygienist at the same time so that any plaque or tartar that has built up on your teeth can be professionally removed, preventing the possibility of tooth decay or gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are the two main causes of missing teeth that are also prevalent in the adult population in Australia mainly because of poor oral hygiene and because a lot of people avoid the dentist. This combination puts the health of your teeth and gums at high risk, and eventually, it can result in missing teeth.

Tooth loss affects your smile 

There are many consequences of missing teeth. Firstly, missing teeth can affect the appearance of your smile, especially if you lose a tooth at the front of your mouth. If you lose a molar, this may not be noticeable; however, missing teeth at the front of your mouth can change your appearance completely. It can change the shape of your face and the alignment of your remaining teeth and make you look a lot older than you actually are. When someone is speaking to you, you may find that their attention is drawn to your teeth; this can cause issues with your self-confidence. It can cause embarrassment and stop you from smiling in public.

You may find that you have to hide your smile behind your hands and suppress your true feelings with an overall negative impact on your mental health and well-being. If this is the case, you need to speak to your dentist as soon as possible and find out about dental implants Melbourne. Dental implants are an excellent method of replacing missing teeth; they are a permanent replacement option and will restore the appearance of your smile completely. You will have a tailored crown that will be designed to match the rest of your teeth, and no one will even notice the difference. 


A missing tooth can cause a lot of discomfort. Your mouth is used to having a full set of teeth; therefore, if you lose a tooth, the sensation of a gap in the place where your tooth used to be can take time to get used to. By replacing the missing tooth with dental implants, you can restore the feeling of your mouth to how it was before. The sooner you do this, the less discomfort you will have to experience. 

Difficulty eating

Missing teeth can make it difficult for you to eat, and you may not be able to enjoy your favourite foods anymore. It can be difficult to bite and chew, and you may often find that food becomes lodged in the empty space left by your missing tooth. If you are not able to chew your food properly, this can cause issues with digestion.

Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants can restore the function of your mouth. Dental implants are almost as good as the real thing, and unlike removable tooth replacements, they allow you to enjoy all your favourite foods without worrying about your prosthetic moving out of place.

Difficulty speaking

Missing teeth can also affect the way you speak. Depending on the position of the missing tooth, you may not be able to pronounce certain sounds correctly, which can be embarrassing and affect your self-confidence, especially if you have to speak a lot as part of your job or career. By replacing your missing teeth as soon as possible, you can restore any disturbances in your speech and regain your self-confidence.

Speak to your dentist today and find out more about tooth replacement with dental implants. The consequences of missing teeth can affect all aspects of your life, so before these consequences take hold, combat them quickly and successfully with dental implants. Dental implants can be used for a single tooth, multiple teeth or even all your teeth. They can hold a crown, a set of partial dentures and a full set of dentures. Your treatment plan will be put together to meet your dental needs and personal preferences.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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